Re: Christian values and morals?

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Posted by Stepehen Charchuk on January 07, 1997 at 23:08:52:

In Reply to: Re: Christian values and morals? posted by Lynn on January 07, 1997 at 15:13:13:

: Personally, I can't imagine why they would want school prayer. If it was instituted, it would be so benign as to be worthless, or worse, contradictory to Christian teaching. We can teach our children to pray at home.

Prayer is a personal thing.

: As far as homosexuality is concerned, as long as it's not in my face, I think people have a perfect right to choose their own lifestyle.

The thing is it is not a choice to be gay, no more than you have chosen to be heterosexual.

: I think the CC feels the same. They just want to be sure that other peoples values are not imposed on us and our children.

No, they want their beliefs imposed on all, because they believe only theirs are valid.

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